NCRP Strategic Framework Rollout – New Orleans
Our sixth NCRP Strategic Framework Rollout event was held Jan. 31, 2017, in New Orleans. The following themes emerged from the discussion at this event (most popular in bold):
- Mission Investing as a strategy is appreciated, but the field isn’t built out enough to ensure equity is achieved.
- A narrative with strategies to overcome bias in philanthropy needs to be created.
- Philanthropy should invest in “narrative change.”
- Diversity is good, but the emphasis needs to be on building leadership in communities of color.
- Foundations use their platform alongside grassroots groups. These funders are serious social justice funders. They need to “put their mouth with their money is.”
- There needs to be further exploration about what a serious social justice funder is.
- The definition of outcomes for advocacy needs to be different; it takes longer and needs to be measured differently from direct service.
- Philanthropy needs to acknowledge that there is real capacity, power and voice at the grassroots level.
- The origins of limiting nonprofits from doing advocacy work needs to be explored.
- Work should be done closer to home. Boards of foundations are ideologically aligned with corporations, with a mindset to “fix broken people, not broken systems.” Boards need to be diversified to reflect other values.
- Program officers can serve as mediators.